Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Drawing of Yorkie Continued

How is this for being caught up in the uglier stage of a drawing?  ;)  Instead of showing you a clean section of a drawing in progress, I thought that I would show the messier stage of development.  The tuft of hair at the top is the closest to completed part of this drawing.  As you follow down the side, the hair is in varying degrees of being rendered.  Usually, I tend to do smaller areas at a time and take them to completion, but I got a little ahead of myself on this one.  So... I went back up to the top of  the hair to blend and highlight and am currently working the side of the face.  The dark background at this point is just hinted to along the sides of the hair.   It is very tempting to put in the background before going further.  This is something that I normally do not do, but the darkness of the photo reference versus the whiteness of the paper is making me distracted.   I am not sure what to do there yet.   It is frustrating to not be able to put in the highlighted stray hairs, but they really have to wait until the end of the drawing process.   I hope to have something a little more pleasant for the eyes to view in the next post... :)  


Laure Ferlita said...

You must have the patience of a saint! Even though we describe it as the ugly stage, it is quite easy to "see" a peek of what is yet to come.

Brenda said...

I compare working on a drawing to working on a jigsaw puzzle... love fitting those little pieces together! Thanks for stopping by Laure!